Back again....
IT ME!!! When I wrote my last blog post, I had no intention of ghosting for a year. The best laid plans and all that. But (anything followed by but is BS, as my first 12 step sponsor used to say)....'22 had other things in store for me. I have been grind-ING. 6 days a week, for most of the year, with very few days off, or trips, or ANYTHING. And I loved it. I am the second daughter of a king of the bootstrap generation. His queen, aka my mahm, is a southern jew, the middle daughter of first generation Polish, Lithuanian, and Russian immigrants, a poster child for religious tolerance, and in the dictionary, next to the word volunteer, you will find her pic. My parents always worked together to be prime examples to my sister and me of how to achieve their ultimate goal in life, FINANCIAL SECURITY in perpetuity. Their ideal was forged in necessity; they came out of America's lean years that became fat years, followed by even leaner years. Together they worked their way into the yuppie middle class, and like many a baby boomer, became what they worked for and exemplified....financially secure in retirement, and able to continue to provide for themselves and their progeny. So what I mean to say, is that it follows that I am naturally disposed to love to work, because that is what my people do. I worked in my very young years for an allowance, then as a babysitter for neighbors (when I was really still in need of a babysitter myself, all my latchkey kids say yeeeeeaaaaaah), for my grandparents in their general store at 13, and I finally entered the real work force at 14, with a worker's permit from the state of Maryland. I have rarely (if ever????) been without employment since, and have been SELF-employed since 1998, save an odd job, just for fun, here and there. The habit of working has served me through every season of my life, and every state of mind. Depressed? Feeling like I don't matter? Look around, Nicole, something needs doing. I have been carried through some dark times in my life because somebody was expecting me to show up somewhere to do some job .Enthusiastic? Wanting to explore the world or try a new thing? Get that bag, honey, make that money. While I have been fortunate to mostly do work that resonates and feeds my soul, I have also been gifted with the discipline to show up, even when I haven't 100% loved the work, or felt like being there. Now there is a word for you...discipline. Some people really dislike the word. It conjures the sense of being punished or forced into some behavior or task against their will. But not this gal. For me, it is power, a force that arises from within to guide me toward goals that I have set with clarity. It is the outgassing of the lizard brain's programmed habituation, alchemically transformed by Grace to align me with my hearts desire. The cost of accessing discipline is the surrender of my will to that higher purpose, the broader vision, the Eye that sees beyond my present circumstance to the light at the end of the tunnel. And ultimately discipline is a gift in my life that I can share with the world. Last month, a dear friend of mine confessed that, while she had, at one time, experienced the fruit of daily meditation, she was not currently committed to the discipline. I was flabbergasted. WHY NOT???? Too busy. Doing good things, but too busy. Ya'll know what I'ma say...If you are too busy for meditation, you are TOO BUSY. So I offered to help her be accountable by meeting her over the inter webs every morning for 20 minutes of silent sitting. We are doing the dang thang. So, if you are a meditator, or are meditation curious, come on. We over here at 5:55 a.m., silent and non-violent, ready for you to click the link and join. xo Nicole
I remember when it seemed so unusual to be aware of the Spring Equinox. I don't know what everybody who wasn't scanning the interwebs for “simple rituals to celebrate the equinox” was doing, maybe watching basketball (March Madness, whaaaat!!!!). But here we are in an evolving world, and far and wide social posts are welcoming the balance point between darkness and light. Most seem ready to spring toward the light. Just ask the US Senate. But swirling in the shadows of the cultural consciousness is also the awareness that we are officially at the 2 year anniversary of C- Lockdowns, there are wars being fought in distant lands across the globe, many people are worried about the cost of daily living, and on and on. How do we reconcile the bursting forth of new life, and the nagging drag of entropy?
Let's take some cues from Nature. When we are DOWN IN IT, going through a challenging situation, (day, month, whatevuh) we are like the little caterpillar, making its way through the meadow, and every blade of grass seems a massive obstacle, so much so that it will only travel as far as about thirty feet in a lifetime! But once it has posted up, spun its silky sac of transformation, gone through the gruesome process of digesting itself and then producing a whole new body, it emerges equipped to travel as much as 4000 miles during its 4-6 week life. It is smooth sailing. Those blades of grass mean nada, zilch, zippo to the majestic butterfly. To be like the butterfly, it seems helpful to rise above the present obstacles. Try taking the birds eye view, begin to be identified with the sky rather than the meadow. We actually have the choice to connect with the context of life, rather than its contents, and live from that Space. To do so breeds unity, rather than division, and equanimity when darkness gathers and storms threaten to blow us off course. So today, whether you are weaving flower crowns or watching Duke take on MI State, join me in welcoming spring, and the Light it brings. And may all beings everywhere know peace. ![]() This year started off with such promise. I had my first Empty Nest Christmas behind me, saw my bèbes and my bestie for New Years, AND my first trip out of the country in TWO YEARS was on deck for January 11. Then....wah waaaaaahhhhh. The 'Vid took up residence, and that's kind of the last thing I remember. Anyone else feeling like we are a year into January, disoriented, dazed, and slightly confused?
Truth be told, I can see how a year of epic and unprecedented work and production, a smidge of unprocessed grief over family matters, a dash of generalized anxiety over NOT working AND going out of the country for 10 days all dovetailed together to land me in enforced staycation isolation so I could just REST. Ready for the irony? You might remember that I took a second trip out to Los Angles in November 2021. While part of the purpose was just to visit my old stomps and get some extra Cali sunshine on my face, I also took the opportunity to meet with my biz coach extraordinaire to develop some new offerings. Care to guess the name of the product of the brainstorming sesh? The R.E.S.T. Method. Ha! "NO WAY!" you say? Way. Without going into preemptive detail, I will be spending some time in the coming months fine-tuning the specifics of this masterpiece so I can share it with the world. In the meantime, the treasure from my enforced rest has been a mimi-burst of creativity and a tiny update to my offerings and website. There is MUCH MORE to come, but for now I hope you will click through to check out some V-Day gift options(if you are in to that kind of thing), as well as some other little updates. Still teaching some Zoom asana for the time being, so you can check out this week's schedj, as well. xo Nicole Welcome to Icepocolypse Weekend 2022. So much has happened (and NOT happened) since January 1st, I barely know what day it is. I DO know that my whole town is basically shut down because of icy weather predictions, which has given me some time to post this little update.
Soooo...IT finally happened....I tested positive for the 'Vid. The good news is that I was tuned into my body well enough to realize all was not well, and I did not infect anyone else. The hard news was that my first ever vacation-only trip to my beloved Nosara, CR had to be delayed. Boo. The OTHER good news is that I had a very mild case, probably the Omicron variant. The other HARD news is that I had just had a booster in preparation for travel. It didn't work to keep me from getting the virus. But I didn't get very sick, so there is that. Overall, I was lucky, and by all indications, my immunity is robust. Tulum is officially BACK ON! The dates have been moved to April. Find out more about that here. I am taking next Monday off from teaching yoga online. Classes will resume Monday January 31st. Alright, friends! I hope the first days of 2022 are treating you well. Until next time, MUCH LOVE. xo Nicole Here we are, rocketing toward the end of the year. The Cold Moon is behind us, marking the last full moon of 2021. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?! I was spent some time in reflection, as I often do on the full or new moon, on how I am feeling at this time, and what makes me happy.
I am super grateful for how busy this year has been for Therapeutic Bodyworks. Thanks to year two of the C-Word Panini, more people than ever have been in need of relaxation and relief from what ails them. While I do not relish the cultural circumstances that brought it about, this 26th year in practice as a massage and bodywork therapist has been my most productive yet. This year has also marked a return to a bit of travel, something else I love! I broke the travel fast back in early spring with a mother/ daughter trip to the Wilds of Florida with mi madre. I was able experience some out-of-routine time with my grown up babes, and really got to appreciate them for the interesting and just COOL people that they have become. I saw some lifelong friends, and even traveled with my family of origin to visit relatives we haven't seen in years. All in all, many miles and many smiles. Have you been counting your blessings? This is a great time of year to really dig in and take a look at where we have been, what makes us happy, and what we still have left on our To Do lists before year's end. It can be stressful, maybe because that list is long, or maybe because the Season can challenge us in general, but I encourage us all to keep it Light, and enjoy when and how we can. I look forward to a couple more asana practices in 2021. Click the link to join this week. xo Nicole Friends, how is it ho-ho-ho-hanging?! . The Season is upon us, though 2021 is proving to be semi(not bitter!)-sweet, as I walk wide-eyed through my first empty nest Holidays. But Life still calls, with crazy busy work, end of year wrap up, as well as at least a little time everyday on the interwebs holiday gift shopping for those that may not be around my hearth when Santa sleighs.
December 3-4 brought a little cosmic shake up with a New Moon/Solar Eclipse. All portents pointed to unexpected reversals or shake ups, and they did not disappoint! Thanks to Omicron(or Omni-cron or Decepticon....whatevs), my retreat to Tulum has been rescheduled for later in the year. I'll keep you posted as decisions are made. Whenever we go, it will be AMAZING. On a more subtle note, I have become aware that the sluggish or resistant quality of manifestation has literally just evaporated. Many goals that seemed far off are HERE now! The "when, then" is gone, and I feel able to JUST DO IT. I am vibing high, and taking steps to share all of the fresh-off-the-press offerings as quickly as I can. Meanwhile, I hope you are embracing the joys of the last days of 2021 and let's connect when the time is right! Please click the link to join in the yoga fun. Long time no see! I have been out IN IT, friends. I hope that the month of November has been kind, you are peeping autumn colors, and that your loins are girded for the Season.
But I don't want to get ahead of myself. This past Friday was host to a magnificent full moon/partial lunar eclipse. The energy was hothothot, and by all accounts, this cosmic phenomenon is the harbinger for mighty change. I know that the aroma of the promised transformation has been tickling my senses for quite some time. And aren't we all ready for the "season" of the Cword to FINALLY close out? A mini-lifetime is more accurate. When I think about change in the most positive way, my musings do not include the kind of catalyst that the pandemic has been. Reality check. MANY seasons of change are preceded by tragedy and loss. If I am honest, I don't know how great I actually am at the whole Letting Go process that must occur to make way for the new. The face of God as Unforeseen Crisis is the alchemical paint-stripper that does for me what I will not do for myself. It is Grace that equips me to flip a sad script and move forward into the landscape of the New, and how to navigate the slippery paradox that calls for both Wisdom AND Humility to build anything worthwhile. What an easy segue into the subject of Thanksgiving week. While the dubious roots of this national holiday are shady af, I am choosing to hijack the meaning for the purpose of giving thanks for all that has come before, the seeming evil and the promised good. May these darkening days lead to some seasonal nesting, and if you are fortunate enough to get to spend some down time with loved ones, en-joy! Click the link to join me for pre-family time attitude adjusting. xo Nicole Happy Halloween! Y'all busy? When my kids were younger, there was SO much going on this day. Costume tweaks, mapping the trick or treat route, getting in character, and finally, the BIG NIGHT. So cute, so much fun. But now my kids are grown, and only one of them is in town, so for me, the whole thing is a little "meh". While I am not really getting into the whole Halloween as a big party, I AM embracing Halloween as the gateway (drug) to the Holiday Season.
I am already feeling a little compression of time. As the days grow shorter, there is a lot to pack into the months of November and December (and January and February). My mind is wanting to freak out a little, jumping ahead, breaking rhythm(although that COULD be the mini Twix from the candy bowl I just ate). Now is not the time, I tell it. NOW is the time to be here.(I hope I get some trick or treaters tonight....I bought a BIG bag of candy.) Enjoy the present, one day at a time, one task at a time. (what time IS it? I have to wake up so early tomorrow). Gotta stay focused. Happy last day of October, my friends. Before we know it, it'll be tofurkey time. And between then and now, many many minutes. Tomorrow is my last live Monday asana class for a bit. I'll be off making some dreams come true. Click the link to join. xo Nicole What a week of walks down Memory Lane I have had. A week of revisitations. I am not complaining, I have loved every moment. And at the end of it all, I am feeling ready for Next. Level. Sh*t.
My bestie came to town. We had more chatty walkie time than in recent visits, so, many discussions and aha moments. Topped off with a full moon fire pit letting go burn sesh, which included roasting (and eating) mini marshmallows. Nothing much better than face time with the Real Ones, and we mined every inch of those walkie/talkies for treasure. Family birthday gathering. My youngest nephew became a man(keep it out of the gutter people). That's right, he has now twirled around Solaris 18 times. No babies left in the house. Many giggles, side eyes, and the famous chocolate glazed yellow/butter birthday cake. Mo sugar, mo smiles, and birthday candle wishes to boot. Surf Church. Maybe you don't know I am a closet Jesus Freak, because I mind my business and stay in my lane. But it has been a minute since I have been to a church service. I have my reasons, but there are no hard feelings or bridges burned. I can't say I will go back, but I did wake up and get out in time to see the sun rise over the Atlantic ocean, and I saw some familiar faces, gave and was given a Word. Also, my one day off seemed especially long because it started so early. Soul quenched. UNCW women's soccer game. I haven't been to a soccer game since the spring of 2019, which is saying A LOT since I spent more days than not either in a car traveling to/from a game, or butt on bleacher for most of 2012-2019. The weather was perfect, the girls won, and again, I saw some familiar faces and exchanged some sweet words. Soccer mom hat layed to rest? I am feeling some feels. More will be revealed. It might not sound like much, but I feel I have been around the world and back again. Like a record playing both forward and back, and both directions producing sweet music. Maybe it's the whole end of that Mercury in Gatorade ish, or maybe it is just Life doing what Life does when we really become ready to make a BIG LEAP forward. It checks and checks again. "You ready? YOU READY?" I am ready. Bring. It. On. Click the link to join asana practice with me on Monday. xo Nicole Fall fell last night here in southeastern NC. The high temps yesterday were in the 80's, and then today, we only reached 71 degrees! Many of us are thankful to get a break from the hot hot heat. Others move to the region so that they can avoid pulling the puffy coat out of the closet until January. Either way, if I have heard one person tell me autumn is their favorite season, I have heard a hundred. Why do we love it so?
Here are things I love about this season: 1)Pumpkin Spice (just this weekend I sampled not one but TWO pumpkiny treats!) 2)Lower Humidity(I have naturally curly hair, lower humidity=less frizzzzzles) 3)Harvest Decor(traditionally picking pumpkins with my offspring is a time of great joy) 4)THE HOLIDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!(not everyone loves them, and I have some bizarre and horrible holiday memories, but in general, the Season is filled with time spent with my beloveds, and I can't wait!) Where do you stand? Yay or nay on the punky spice? Holiday pro or con? No matter how you feel about the items on my list, it is always a good time to commit to your meditation practice, and hop on the yoga asana train to help manage a season that is bound to be filled with a little happy chaos. xo Nicole |